Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017

Read PDF Make It Scream Make It Burn Essays Leslie Jamison

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Detail of Book make it scream make it burn essays :

Author : leslie jamison

Descripton : new york times bestselling author of the recovering and the empathy exams a combination of memoir criticism and journalism make it scream make it burn is leslie jamison s profound exploration of the oceanic depths of longing and the reverberations of obsession among jamison s subjects are 52 blue deemed the loneliest whale in the world the eerie specter of reincarnated children devotees of an online existence called second life to the exclusion of their real lives civil war photography and an entire museum dedicated to relationship breakups through these essays and through forays into her own obsessions and longings jamison delves into the nature of storytelling itself we wonder alongside her whether it is ever really possible to hear someone else s story without somehow making it our own without seeing it through the cracked windows of our private selves throughout these essays jamison who has frequently been compared to joan didion and susan sontag shines the spotlight every bit as uncomfortably on herself as she does on others unlike the standard journalistic practice jamison acknowledges her emotional investment in her subjects always with utmost clarity and unwavering empathy in her view true art cannot be made any other way indeed this refusal to hide this emotional frankness is precisely the quality that makes jamison s questing and irrepressible voice impossible not to fall in love with

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